i was studying for my geog test till 4+, and rolled around in bed till 5+. Caffeine (in tea) makes you unable to sleep, that one cup of tea kept me wide awake for...around 8 hours.
everybody in 4L was trying to stuff in more info on geog while we were running during PE, some even held their textbooks in their hands while running. what a sight! Nothing but geog, geog and more geog @.@
I felt kinda dizzy during the game so i rested for awhile, left for home after geog test, cannot tahan already. Thanks siyun for accompanying me. The security guard is very friendly, so is the lady at the GO!
Its the first time I left school early for being sick!
Had kuaychap and slept in the airconditioned room for 2+ hours and I felt muchmuch better. Left for choir at 2:30, met riane too cause she was on an mc today but choir was compulsory, so yup. Met some people on our way up asking why I wasn't in schoool, oops. Riane get well soon anyway!
Even though mrtoh said our static was only like 50% of the standard, we still did better than what we did a few weeks ago i guess. We've still got alot more to work on of course, thus we have practices on TUE, WED, FRI and SAT (the actual day)
surprisingly, i don't mind at all. Not the least bit. I'm beginning to become rather attatched to choir, I think i'd be really sad and depressed when we step down on april 19th. i'll miss ahschoir, so lets do our best for the upcoming concert!
Loolooanqi, limying and riane, or anybody who's sick, GETWELLSOON! we still have a few more days!
walked downhill with riane, peixuan, qianyu qianyi, eliz, denise, yufan. Did i miss out anyone? anyway, peixuan's sunflower has so little petals left xD we were being retarded all the way. as usual hahaha.
lets see, ITS TIME TO STUDY FOR CHEM. i hope i can sleep early tonight ):
kaiying: go to church and get your questions answered [:
{they will get it answered? D: i shall go one day}
peixuan: Ooh. ure catholic?? tsk. nvr go to church. and yay. but post about me more often.. hahahahah.. =))) XD
{hahah yup, OKAY I WILL. i'll dedicate a post to you soon then :D}
YANNIS: so bad lor your jnr
YANNIS: go bully her! xD
{HAHA PEIXUAN how dare you! i think i just bullied her today hahahaha! xD}
ashley: ur vegetable scenario is v amusing. lol JIAYOU ON UR MUGGING TONIGHT HAHA

{HAHA LOL only the vege part amusing right haah. OHMY i add too much oil until like that (lack of sleeepp)}
Eliz: HARLOS EMMA! hahahas im here to tag xP LALALAS~ XP interesting post u have there! and ure so guai studying! takkairez yeah (:
{hah HELLO LIZ! :D yayyy! :D lalal you BHB SUNFLOWER GIRL! okay thanks haha woah first time this year that somebody said i'm guai cause i study YAY I SHALL STUDY HARD TODAY TOO! :D}